Closet Office in Arroyo Grande

Yes, a closet office in Arroyo Grande. I love a hidden little nook that can be turned into something special. This Arroyo Grande client had a closet that was jam-packed with everything from sewing supplies, photography gear, arts and crafts, gift wrapping, party/holiday supplies, shipping supplies, paperwork, home-office essentials, entrepreneurial items, and more. I nicknamed it “Mary Poppins’s Closet”! I kept removing items and it seemed endless. This little closet really had potential to be something cool and, more importantly, functional! The space had been designed to be used as a sewing closet and had a desk area and lots of small shelves. Such a cool little space! The client wanted to keep the multi-use nature but make it functional as a work space as well. After removing everything, sorting items by type, and decluttering, I was able to create a streamlined, albeit maximized, space. I put less-used items on the upper shelves, grab-and-go photography gear underneath, and all the bits and bobs for arts and crafts and home-office on the small, easy to access shelves. This project perfectly reflects how I like to make spaces work for my clients. How do you use the space? How do you WANT to use the space? We can think outside the box and get creative with storage solutions for your every day life. It doesn’t have to make sense to everyone. It just has to make sense to you!

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